Which plan for a docker instance?

Hey, I have a Docker Compose which works fine with 4 vCores, 8 Threads, and 16GB of RAM. What is the minimal plan recommended for running a CI/CD on Render?


Every app is different; their purpose, implementation & resource requirements can vary wildly, so we wouldn’t be able to provide specific instance-type recommendations.

Changing instance types is very flexible though, so maybe start on the “Starter” instance type and see how you get on, if your service needs more resources, upgrade to “Standard”, and so on.

Instance type pricing is per service, per instance, per month, pro-rated to the second. This means we charge for the time a paid service is provisioned at the end of each month. So you can try out different instance types and then downgrade it again after you’ve tried it if you wish.

Current usage, upcoming (projected) monthly charges, and previous invoices are available to view at any time on your billing page.


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Thanks Alan

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