Render can not access repo

Hi there! I’m not new to Render but I’m using a new account in a new team, and also new GitHub account. The latter has access to a private repo but is not the owner of that repo.

When in Render I create a new web service, I connect my GitHub account but the repo I’d like to use doesn’t show up in the list. When I paste in the link for the private repo to which I have access, I get the error message:

Render can not access repo<user>/<repo>

Where <user> is the third party who gave me access, and <repo> is the name of the GitHub repository.

I suspect the Render GitHub app only allows access to a private repo if the connected user is the owner of that repo. Is that right?


Responded privately.

I figured this out – the problem was the repo I was trying to access belonged to a GitHub (GH) user, not an organization.

I fixed the problem by creating the GH organization, adding my GH user then transferring the repo to the organization. Now I can install the Render GH app into the organization.

Sorry my bad @Jade_Paoletta I got kinda snarky.

Your documentation still sucks though :laughing: