Question: starter plan

  1. How many services and background workers can I have with the 7€ starter plan?
  2. How many hours can my services be online with the starter plan?


Hi @Icaruk welcome to the Render community!

Render’s pricing is per instance per month so each background worker or service will be billed according to the tier you choose for that individual instance (Starter, Starter Plus, etc.). For example, you could have a service on the Starter plan, a service on the Starter Plus plan, another service on the Starter plan, and a background worker on the Starter plan.

All Render instances are always on so services on Render never ‘go to sleep’ because of inactivity (or any other reason) and every Render application comes with zero downtime deploys.

Thanks for your response.

So if I have 1 service and 1 background worker, the minimum price is 7 + 7 = 14€ right?

Yes that is correct. Also, all services are billed and prorated by the second. This means you only pay for what you use – if you create a service and delete it after a day, you pay for just a day.

Thank you, that’s what I needed :slight_smile: