Email failure notifications not received

While I have my own account, its also linked to a customer account that we use and manage. There were failures in some of the customer services and the customer Billing contact (part of the team) received the failure notification email.

However none of the other team members got the email. The team settings is also set to Email and so is my account setting. Anything else we need to enable?

I’ve just checked with our engineering team here. Presently, team members do not receive notifications intended for this team - all notifications would be sent to the billing email.

John B

Typically billing person is not interested in technical event mails. Needs to go to the team members. Any idea if this will be enhanced/changed ?

It’s definitely on the list -

John B

Today we noticed that emails about failing Blueprint syncs and failing Cronjobs have been sent to our team’s billing address but not to the people configuring the services.

It would be great if that feature could be implemented soon so that the important information reaches the right people :pray:

We’re definitely hearing you all about the need for improved notifications here! Thanks for the feedback.

John B

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