I’m trying to optimize my deployment timing but couldn’t find docs about it.
1/ Is it possible to track the time of each deployment? (globaly? with steps?)
2/ Render steps & customization
2.1/ Cloning
2.2/ Downloading cache. what cache? last node_modules?
2.3/ Running build command ‘yarn; yarn build’
From start to end of build cmd => 29 seconds
2.4/ Wait 1min and 42sec then log “==> Uploading build…” what render was doing?
2.5/ Wait 44sec then log “==> Build successful ”
what render was doing?
2.6/ “==> Deploying…”
2.7/ Wait 24 sec then log “==> Starting service with ‘yarn start’”
and it’s up and running
So I’m wondering what render is doing in some steps and if I could tune a config to be faster?
For instance, I know what folder needs to be deployed… Not all
In a mono repo context, I would like to take just a part of the tree…
Thx for your help