Slow deploys, trying to find out why

I’m trying to find out where most of the ~5min of the deployment of our standard Rails app is spent. :slight_smile:

Mar 27 10:23:06 PM  ==> Uploading build...
Mar 27 10:24:25 PM  ==> Build successful 🎉
Mar 27 10:24:25 PM  ==> Deploying...
Mar 27 10:26:09 PM  ==> Detected Node version 16.14.2
Mar 27 10:26:14 PM  ==> Starting service with 'bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb'

Why does it take >1min to upload the build?
Couldn’t this be done in the background after the app is started?

And what exactly happens in the almost 2min between “Deploying” and “Starting service”?

Bump… does anyone have any insights on what’s happening during that time, and how it could be sped up?

The slow deploys are for me one of the most annoying things on Render.

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Hey Manuel,

We’re not particularly clear about what’s occurring in these steps so we need to improve this for sure. Specifically, the “Uploading Build” is uploading the results of the build process to storage and then “Deploying” is downloading the previous upload and then executing it as a container.

The only controls you have to speed things up is by ensuring that the build is as small as possible - but we don’t show the resultant size of the build so you don’t know how big the thing is.

The slow deploys are for me one of the most annoying things on Render.


John B

Thanks for the clarification, @John_B!

but we don’t show the resultant size of the build so you don’t know how big the thing is.

I suspect the largest part of the build is the cache, right? The cache size is shown when the build starts:

Apr 15 08:23:45 PM ==> Downloading cache…
Apr 15 08:24:12 PM ==> Downloaded 524MB in 12s. Extraction took 13s.

I added rm -rf node_modules to my build script when I noticed the cache was 3GB+… :grinning:
Now downloading the cache and uploading the build is already much faster.

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