Database is "Unavailable" on frankfurt


My Frankfurt area hostname database dpg-c2h0npu31hsb66nngie0 has been unavailable for 10 minutes.

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Hello @M0rdreck,

Due to an issue with the underlying infrastructure some databases in Frankfurt were unavailable for a period of time while they were restarted. All databases should be running now.

See our status page: Render Status - Some Postgres Instances unavailable in Frankfurt region for more info.

Hey! I am experiencing the exact same. Happened 10 min ago. Database is still down and my clients can’t access my service.

@Sean_Doughty can you please look into this as soon as possible?

I’m also seeing 502 errors on Frankfurt deployments

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Resolved - We’ve resolved this issue now. All database services are now resumed.

Although you said that all issues were resolved by 14:58 UTC , my app still produced errors while connecting to the database an hour later.

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