I’d like to use Render as a CI/CD pipeline. Specifically, after a service in my preview environment is done building, I’d like it to kick off a build in my production environment’s service.
How can I get this functionality?
I’d like to use Render as a CI/CD pipeline. Specifically, after a service in my preview environment is done building, I’d like it to kick off a build in my production environment’s service.
How can I get this functionality?
Hi Angelina,
Have you taken a look at our Deploy Hook functionality - https://docs.render.com/deploy-hooks?
Let me know if that sounds like it would help.
Yes, but was hoping there be a more straightforward way to visibly orchestrate the deployments from the console.
Furthermore, was wondering if there’s a concept of a “baking period” on environments or service deployments? i.e. if n number of errors occur within n number of minutes after a deployment occurred, can we automatically trigger a rollback?
Hi Angelina,
Both of these are excellent suggestions. I’d encourage you to submit a feature request at https://feedback.render.com/. It helps to include as much context as possible about your use case, the problem you’re looking to solve, and how you’re getting around it today to help us develop the best possible solution.
We rely heavily on customer feedback as a part of our planning and product roadmap process, so capturing interest on the feature request page is very helpful.
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