Support for Preview Environments without Production deployment?

Hey render!

I’ve used Render for several projects over the years and Preview Environments have been wonderful.

At a new company, I sold them on the idea of Preview Environments and everyone is excited. But we already deploy with AWS and it’s not going to change.

Is it possible to use Render for Preview Environments even though we won’t be using it for production traffic? Are there any gotchas that I need to be aware of?

Meta: it seems like I can’t say “render dot com” because it won’t let me submit the post, because I can’t have links in my post.

Hi there,
Absolutely - in this case you might consider Render your staging environment.

So you’re devs work on Pull requests, which spin up Preview Envionments and then when they are merged they get auto deployed into the master Render service(s) aka Staging.

And then when you’re ready you trigger a deploylment to your AWS env which is what is already deployed to staging (as it were)

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