Web worker not part of the free plan?

When trying to make a Blueprint which has a web app, redis instance, and a background worker, Render is telling me that the background worker service type is not available for this plan (free).

I was under the assumption that I could use background workers as part of the free plan. Is that wrong?

My render.yaml:

  - type: worker
    name: celery-worker
    region: ohio
    runtime: python
    buildCommand: "pip install -r requirements.txt"
    startCommand: "celery -A celery_worker worker --loglevel=info"
    autoDeploy: false
    plan: free
      - key: CELERY_BROKER_URL
          name: celery-redis
          type: redis
          property: connectionString
  - type: web
    name: app
    region: ohio
    runtime: python
    buildCommand: "pip install -r requirements.txt"
    startCommand: "gunicorn -c gunicorn_config.py --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker app:app"
    autoDeploy: false
    plan: free
      - key: CELERY_BROKER_URL
          name: celery-redis
          type: redis
          property: connectionString
  - type: redis
    name: celery-redis
    region: ohio
    plan: free # we choose a plan with persistence to ensure tasks are not lost upon restart
    maxmemoryPolicy: noeviction # recommended policy for queues
    ipAllowList: [] # only allow internal connections


Web Services, Postgres, and Redis have free instances, covered in the docs here: https://docs.render.com/free

Static Sites are also free.

All other service types (Background Worker, Private Service, Cron Job), do not offer free instances.

Hey thanks for responding,

Makes sense. However, I think this should be reflected more accurately in the pricing page as it explicitly puts a check mark for background workers under the free plan