Some details on the "Teams" functionality?

I was hoping to get some details on the “Teams” functionality, and reading through the brief docs at Teams | Render · Cloud Hosting for Developers makes it sound like the important settings can only be done straight at creation, so I wanted to verify how it works, and how the transition works, to prevent any chance at breaking my site…

If I have my site (Web Service, Background Worker, Redis, PostgresDB…) running under my account, but want another person to also have access to all of it, I can create a team and assign all of my servers to that team, and then add that 2nd person to that team, and they have all the access that I have, with zero downtime in the transition? Is that correct?

Hi @DanK,

When creating a new team, you have the option to transfer all resources from your personal account to the team. The option is only available when initially creating the team, and we are also unable to pick only specific services to transfer over, so it’s either all or nothing. Transferring the services in this way should not result in any downtime for your services.

Then from there, you can invite other users to your team, and they will have access to deploy and manage the services in your team as well.

Let me know if there’s anything I can further clarify!

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