Service not ready

Hello community, for a few hours I have been receiving this message when I open the link of my service.
“This service is not ready to serve traffic. If you are the site owner, please check that your service is passing health checks.”
The service says Deploy succeeded. I can’t figure out what’s wrong. I hope I have a solution.
Thank you


Facing the same issue for many hours now. Any ideas how to fix this?

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Same here. I even rolled back to a successful deployment from 5 days ago with the old codebase and I am still having issues. Suspecting an issue on the onRender platform. Submitted a ticket but no answer yet.

I m having the same issue on one of my builds.

I also encountered the same issue but managed to resolve it by doing a Deploy again. I click on Deploy with the latest commit.

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I’m having the same issue, no solution found so far.

This is render server issue. no issue on your build or code.
Update: Rebuilding the app resolve the issue :blush:

I rebuilt the app, it worked, and again failed after 5 mins, with the same error.
Does anyone know if the issue is fixed.


My streamlit app have the same behavior, works for some minutes before crashing with 503 error.

For a moment, I panicked. Turns out am not alone.


Having the same issue for some hours :frowning:

I rebuilt my app, but same error occured after 30-40 minutes

Rebuilding the app solved the issue for like 10 mins, after which it failed again. Render team, please look into this. Also, why is your username so intentionally misleading @Render_Support ? This is clearly a newly created account.


Still got this issue :frowning:

A fix has been implemented and monitoring the results.



We have opened an incident related to this issue, please follow any updates on this page:

Jérémy, Render Support


Yeah i had same isuue . deplot it with the latest commit , it will resolve the issue

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Facing same issue

This service is not ready to serve traffic. If you are the site owner, please check that your service is passing health checks.

Me too, how can I fix my website :sob::sob::sob:

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I have same issue from 10 hours ago and not yet resolved

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