Hey guys. I deployed something on render, but when I try to use its URL to connect it to Slack, it gives me this error:
“Your request URL responded with an HTTP error. Update your URL to receive a new request and challenge value.” and " Request URL: Your URL didn’t respond with the value of the challenge parameter."
I am using the url with “/”+ the name that I chose for my app in my code. Is there any chance that you may help me to how to use this url.
Thank you Alan for your reply. But a more general question is regardless of using slack, how can I use the URL that is generated by the deployment process in Render (I mean if I want to use it to send and receive info and test the API).
I’m not sure I understand the question, it sounds like you’re asking “how do I write an app?”. You would need to code the paths/endpoints in whichever language/framework you are using to respond as you want/need.
If you have a specific issue, please elaborate on it, and we may be able to assist further, however at the moment you’ve not provided much information to go on.