Urgent help needed

I have an assignment to submit but cant seem to figure out how to deploy, someone please take a look and let me know what are neccassary changes to be made. It would be of great help. I kepp getting the can not get / error on render. This is the repoistory. The main files are MessageForm.jsx and server.js where there are api request. Thanks.

Hi there,

A “Cannot GET /” response is typically tied to a HTTP 404 Not Found error. This means that your application is not serving a response when called at the root.

If this is a Static Site, check out our redirect/rewrite page here: https://docs.render.com/redirects-rewrites. If it is a Web Service, routing is left up to the application.

Let us know if you have any further questions.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)

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