Hey! Have a simple discord bot that I am trying to deploy, but I keep seeing deploying, and then it times out. The service does start but then after a while it timesout. Any pointers?
Jul 13 08:55:45 PM ==> Starting service with 'node DiscordBot.js'
Jul 13 08:55:53 PM Logged in as User314!
We had this deployed on heroku before (seems to be the same configuration) so unsure what could be causing this.
It looks like the health check for your service never passes and your deploy eventually times out. Does your service run a web server? If so, you’ll want to make sure it responds with a 200 response code for a request to the root of your domain (eg. your-site.onrender.com/). If it doesn’t run a web server, you will want to use a background worker instead of a web service.
It looks like you have a health check /health defined in your service settings. However, we expect this path to return a status code between 200 and 399, and I don’t think that’s the case for this path. Can you remove the health check path or ensure you’re using one that responds with a successful status code? More info on health checks here https://render.com/docs/deploys#health-checks