Hello Render team,
I have an old website in wordpress. I’d like to move it to render but its like 10k or more files. As theres no ftp or file manager. How can I do it?
Thank you.
Hello Render team,
I have an old website in wordpress. I’d like to move it to render but its like 10k or more files. As theres no ftp or file manager. How can I do it?
Thank you.
Hi there,
You can use SCP or Magic worm hole to achieve this - see https://render.com/docs/disks#transferring-files for details,
John B
Im running wordpress on render using docker. I’m logged into SSH but when I type the apt update && apt install magic-wormhole
it gives me error : Reading package lists… Done
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/
Screenshot : https://prnt.sc/iUwisJ78tTcN
how do I change myself to root?
You can’t - it’s a Docker container, there is no root - all updates need to be done via the Dockerfile,
John B
@John_B how do I do it via Dockerfile? Is there any documentation or article I can read on render dockerfile to do it?
I’m not able to locate the account you’re using to investigate fully here so it’s not clear how you’re deploying in the first place.
All Render services are deployed from either GitHub or GitLab - if the service has been created as a Docker environment then we would build the container as per the definition in the Dockerfile, there’s no ‘render’ Dockerfile per say.
What I suspect you may have done is deployed directly our example Wordpress, this is intended entirely as an example. You are unable to make any changes to it. What you should do, is fork our example and then create a blueprint from your fork of the repo. That way, any chances you make to the Dockerfile will apply to your services,
John B
@john_B I deployed the example wordpress ( srv-cdpqhjta49942u2i5e70 ).
“What you should do, is fork our example and then create a blueprint from your fork of the repo. That way, any chances you make to the Dockerfile will apply to your services,” - Is there a tutorial anywhere on how I can do that? That would be really helpful in my quest to install and run wordpress.
Hey there,
No, I’m afraid not. They’re all functions which are well documented outside of Render as they’re not really specific to us.
John B
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