Internal Server Error Help Noob

Hello! Hopefully someone can help me. My API on render wasn’t able to be called from the application I was using. Not sure why this happened, and I couldn’t fix it. I tried making some changes, and tried to redeploy but the build failed unfortunately, probably because I did something wrong haha. So now I’m starting it all from scratch again. Can anyone tell me how to avoid the internal errors on the servers end? I just want to leave it alone and not worry about not being able to connect to the server. Can anyone tell me what I’m missing here? I’ve implemented a DISK exactly how I’m supposed to. Im on a paid plan, I also have the 500mb of ram for 7/month, not sure what I’m doing wrong? Edit: I actually started from scratch and it’s working beautifully again, but I’m scared I’m going to get another internal error out of nowhere over the next few days. How can I ensure that I’m in the clear? Would love some input!


When/where are you seeing internal server errors? Anyway we can reproduce the issue? Or see it? It may be an issue with your code and not Render.

Render Support, UTC+3

Hey Jeremy, thanks for trying to help. Just wanted to mention that everything WAS working amazingly for a few days. Not sure if I just did the set up wrong, but for about 3 days I had 0 problems and made no changes. On day 4, out of nowhere nothing was working on the server side (at least I had to assume the server side because I was getting the internal server error/bad gateway error on my logs on render).

I made a flowise depository and connected through my GitHub, set up all the environmental variables as shown in the instructions, set up my DISK, have the paid plan; also the 7 dollars a month option, and I’m just scared this is going to happen again. The first deploy, I actually only had 3 environmental variables set up (user name, password and DATABASE PATH), second deploy which is where I am currently, I added the additional environmental variables (APIKEY PATH, SECRETKEYPATH etc), and I set my runtime to Docker instead of Node like the first rime. Do you think that’s why it failed connecting to the server the first time?


I think it’s better if you contact us directly via the dashboard: “Contact Support” form. Because I’m definitely not certain about what is/could be happening here.

Render Support, UTC+3

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