Hello all!
I’m facing an issue while trying to migrate my prisma schema:
Error: P3014
Prisma Migrate could not create the shadow database. Please make sure the database user has permission to create databases. More info: https://pris.ly/d/migrate-shadow. Original error:
Database error: Error querying the database: db error: ERROR: permission denied to create database
0: sql_migration_connector::flavour::postgres::sql_schema_from_migration_history
at migration-engine\connectors\sql-migration-connector\src\flavour\postgres.rs:270
1: sql_migration_connector::sql_database_migration_inferrer::calculate_drift
at migration-engine\connectors\sql-migration-connector\src\sql_database_migration_inferrer.rs:57
2: migration_core::api::DevDiagnostic
at migration-engine\core\src\api.rs:97
It perfectly works with a local DB
I guess the issue is that it is doing a shadow DB to create the migration schema and we just don’t have the right to create this shadow DB?
Anyone knows if there is a workaround? We are testing render.com and for us it is a killer issue, if we can’t migrate our DB schema from time to time then we will need to find another provider