Build failed (maybe some with migrating)

Hello. in local it’s working but here some mistake. is it possible to help me ?

Nov 21 11:38:00 PM (See full trace by running task with --trace)
Nov 21 11:38:00 PM I, [2022-11-21T20:38:00.061036 #169] INFO – : Migrating to CreateMasters (20221119195129)
Nov 21 11:38:00 PM == 20221119195129 CreateMasters: migrating ====================================
Nov 21 11:38:00 PM – create_table(:masters)
Nov 21 11:38:00 PM ==> Build failed :disappointed:
Nov 21 11:38:00 PM ==> Generating container image from build. This may take a few minutes…


Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out, this isn’t a Render issue, but your database/migrations appear to be in an incorrect state.

The error in your logs is:

PG::DuplicateTable: ERROR: relation "masters" already exists

You’ll need to resolve this issue, which could be by adding the migration timestamp to schema_migrations or by deleting that table before running that migration. However, make the appropriate checks that you’re not deleting needed data.


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Thanks a lot
I will try

mmm sorry my mistake, I already have this table in render db.

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