Has Render yet implemented a formal DMCA process WITH notice/cure period?

Has Render formally updated and documented their DMCA process to provide for a cure period?

I saw a couple of quickly-closed threads on the subject of people having their sites taken down without notice in response to Render receiving a DMCA takedown notice.

This seems patently unacceptable for any business website hosting provider. It is an unfortunate fact these days that fraudulent DMCA takedown demands are rampant (one source: Over thirty thousand DMCA notices reveal an organized attempt to abuse copyright law | by Lumen Database Team | Medium) so a casual “we got a complaint so we immediately took your site down” (as discussed in both of the late-2023 posts I saw here) plays right into the hands of bad actors.

FWIW Heroku and others handle them something like this:
a) Notice. You get notified by Heroku with a copy of the DMCA complaint, which must include a specific allegation of infringement (for example the image xyz.jpg on url example.com/our_features)
b) Cure period. You are given a 24 hour cure period to remove the allegedly infringing content to keep the site up.
c) Counter-notice option. You are also able to submit a counter-notice which may lead to your site being suspended for 10 days after which it is automatically restored by Heroku unless the (alleged) copyright holder provides evidence of filing a lawsuit to enforce their (alleged) copyright.

Even if Render is less expensive, the risk of being taken offline without notice is a poor trade for a business website.

I noticed one prior post along these lines was prematurely closed as not being suitable for “community” discussion but I’d strenuously assert that discussion of whether (or not) a reliable process exists for not having one’s sites taken down without notice is absolutely appropriate for public discussion.

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