The GitHub ID xmeltrut belongs to an existing Render user. Please log in to GitHub with a different ID.
I have checked to see if I have another Render account but I don’t. And I’ve tried revoking Render’s access on Github and reconnecting there cannot be another account connected to my GitHub ID.
Hey @Jade_Paoletta unfortunately I’m having the same problem. I already did as described and revoked all configurations related to render at Github. Any idea on how to fix?
I suspect your GitHub account may already be linked, and you trying to access your repos. If you want to change access to your repos, we have a GitHub troubleshooting section in our docs:
I’m also going to close this topic, as it’s pretty old. Please feel free to raise a ticket from the “Help” or “Contact Support” links while logged into the Dashboard, if you need us to take a look.