Custom domain verified but certificate errors

Hi Render,
I have sever Hugo run static sites under a team account. All the sites with a custom domain are getting Certificate Errors. Though recently they were all fine without errors. Our configuration for the DNSs are all correct and we have a wild card on our main domain, these are all subdomains. Worked fine in the past. See attached image.

I also have a personal account with several Hugo static sites. They all use the same domain with subdomains like the Team account. They all work fine without errors so I’m at a loss as to why they would error out for the Team but not for the personal.

Any help greatly appreaciated.
Thanks you, Tom Kraft

Hey @Tom_Kraft,

I see that you have a CNAME record for pointing to, instead of (removing https://). This might be what is causing the issue. Can you try updating your DNS record?

Hey @jake

I’m having a similar issue using Google Domains with a particular subdomain whose settings do not include the https://. However, the subdomain is a bit further from the root (

Is this allowed? Because we have the and it works fine. The api prefix is sort of a convention we’ve used for our various branches so would like to keep if possible.


Hi Richard,

Thanks for reaching out.

You may need to check the CAA records are the level match the ones Render requires: Custom Domains - CAA Records

0 issue ""0 issue ""0 issuewild ""0 issuewild ""

Hope that helps


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Hi @jake @al_ps

I am also having the same issue, even after following the documentation.

Thank you It really helped me to connect Godaddy’s custom domain with render. Easy one more reason to use render.