Connecting Google Data Studio to Render Postgres Instance

Hi Scott,

It looks like Google Data Studio requires SSL to connect to a Postgres instance. I was able to get this working by doing the following:

  • Fill out the database authentication fields. The database, username, and password can be found on your Render dashboard’s database page. The host will be either for U.S. or for EU. The port will be 5432.
  • Click the Enable SSL checkbox
  • Fetch the server cert by running this script, supplying the host name of the Render server. python > server.crt Upload server.crt to Google Data Studio as the server certificate.
  • Generate a public/private key using openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain.key -out domain.csr
  • Upload domain.csr to Google Data Studio as the client certificate and domain.key as the Client Private Key.
  • Click authenticate

You should now be able to access your Render Postgres instance from Google Data Studio. Let me know how this works for you!

Jake, first of all thank you for this. this was the only solution I could find on the entire internet which is pretty surprising to say the least. So this solution worked for me…for a few days and now I am getting this.

Unable to connect to Host: SSL error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

would these certs only last a few days for some reason? it’s not really feasable to have to regenerate these every few days for eternity for like 20 connectors.

thoughts?? thanks in advance!

Glad you found this helpful!

Which region were you connecting to? The certs are renewed every 60 days. It’s possible that you connected a few days before renewal. Have you run into this again after reconnecting?

we’re in the U.S. oregon server. so far so good, so yeah might’ve just got unlucky and caught it right before cert rotation. I still don’t love the idea of updating every data connector every 2 months, but not the end of the world either.

Glad that it’s been working for you! Unfortunately, there isn’t any way around the cert rotation issue. It’s probably best addressed with automation, if possible.

thanks bruv!

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