Clearing Static Site Cache

You should be able to clear out these unwanted files by manually redeploying your service with the Clear build cache & deploy option. This can be found by selecting the dropdown on the right of the Manual Deploy button, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2021-06-22 at 4.45.04 PM

Just let us know if anything still isn’t cleared out after redeploying this way, and we’ll take a closer look.

Hi, I just started switching from Heroku and encountered a really frustrating problem about this cache issue. I have already removed the line that is causing the issue but still the build process is reading the old file.

The error is caused by whitenoise.

May 2 12:41:33 AM  The CSS file 'css/vendor.min.css' references a file which could not be found:
May 2 12:41:33 AM    css/"images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png"
May 2 12:41:33 AM  

I even tried to create a new web service but still no luck. Of course I tried your suggestion as well several times but still not working. Please let me know if I missed anything.

web service name: ezbetgames

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