Build stuck on deploying (manual, auto-deploy)

Hi team! Just started on yesterday - testing some things out and it’s working well so far!

One thing I’ve been running into is that my Render deploys for one of my webapps seems to be in a weird state where the build succeeds but the deploy never actually finishes.

It always gets to

Sep 27 01:18:39 PM  - ready started server on [::]:10000, url: http://localhost:10000
Sep 27 01:18:45 PM  - info Loaded env from /opt/render/project/src/packages/frontend/.env
Sep 27 01:18:48 PM  - info Loaded env from /opt/render/project/src/packages/frontend/.env

in the logs but the green “Deploy live” icon never shows up (as it does when the deploy is actually live).

I’ve tried clearing cache + rebuilding manually but it still does not work.

However, when I just create an entirely new deployment with the exact parameters + code commit, it deploys just fine - not sure if there is something I can do to do an entire reset for my web service (I tried “Restart service” but it still doesn’t work) to simulate the act of creating an entirely new web service deployment.

The original service is stuck for hours on deploying… (has never finished) while the new deployment finished in 4 minutes (expected duration, very simple NextJS app).

Thank you!

Hi there,

We have been seeing this issue in NextJS services due to issues with it listening on multiple ports. This appears to mainly impact version 13.4.x of NextJS. On Render, we are trying to detect if your service is live, which we do by connecting to the ports your service has opened. We fail to do so on the second “random” port that NextJS is exposing because the service is giving us connection refused on this port.

To correct this issue, you can try downgrading NextJS to 13.3.x. To work around this issue in Render, you can set the PORT environment variable to 10000 that means we only will use port 10000 to check your service is live. I also recommend reading our docs on host and port configuration.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6)

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