Web service deployment is stuck on build successful

After pushing an update to my service, the build process completes successfully as normal. But then nothing happens. It is stuck. I doesn’t move to deploying nor report an error. Any help would be appreciated.


same. it still haven’t deployed.

creatd a new service with us server instead of singapor. it fixed the problem but started other problems.

Actually I am trying to deploy in Frankfurt maybe the problem has to do with core deployment service not a certain region.

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frank furt eu also have the same problem.

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this has been happening for years with the Frankfurt server if you look back at closed issues
, seems like there must be a loop once it hits the end of the build phase… we can only hope they solve this quickly

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Yes, Same Problem

Same here…

And a service which got sleep, doesn’t wake up anymore :frowning:

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Yup im dealing with that :sweat_smile:

I’ve been trying to deploy all day unsuccessfully on Frankfurt
somehow status.render says everything is fine in frankfurt even tho thats clearly not the case Render Status - Uptime History


You are affected by the following incident: https://status.render.com/incidents/np90k8xn5jvn

We’re sorry for the inconvenience. We are actively investigating and we will update our status page with new updates as soon as possible.

Render Support, UTC+3


If you’re still affected by this issue, please attempt to re-deploy your service again (you can trigger a new deploy via the “Manual Deploy” button) and follow up with us if you’re still affected by this after attempting the new deploy attempt.

Render Support, UTC+3

The issue has been resolved for me

I have the same issue

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