Worst Render Hosting

I think hosting my strapi server in render is one of the worst thing. The render is not user friendly for starters and the sqllite documentation that the render provided for strapi in github didnot have proper explanation about code GitHub - render-examples/strapi-sqlite: Deploy Strapi with SQLite on Render which the have additionally added. Please give proper explanation otherwise tell hosting in render is not free. Because i have wasted lot of time to find the solution for hosting my strapi server in render. Worst coustomer experience.

Hi there,

We provide access to free compute for both webservices and Postgres/Redis, as covered in detail at https://docs.render.com/free. Naturally, what we provide for free may not suit everyone’s needs and desires.

As you’ve indicated, Strapi using SQLite requires a persistent disk to store the assets/database on, and disks are only available to paid instance types, and themselves have a cost. If you were to use Postgres, then you could indeed deploy Strapi for free (subject to the limitations of the free characteristics as detailed in the above link) and then use another external service for uploads.

Ultimately, persistent computing resources have a cost.


John B
Render Support, UTC :uk:

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