Strapi hosting problem

i have hosted my strapi backend in render the strapi start command has build my backend and i have transfered my contents to the server from my project file and my site worked perfectly but after some time the strapi start command runs another time in the render so the already transfered contents are gets deleted.


You’ll need to attach a Disk to save files to your service. More information about this requirement for Strapi can be found at

Please note that Free Web Services do not support persistent disks. You can upgrade your service from the settings page.

Let me know if you have any additional questions about this.

I have a question about this. Can you please explain in English to someone who is getting started with Render? I’m 30 minutes in and have no idea what is going on. All I want to do is to deploy a CMS and deploy Astro. (Which, not sure if you’ve been paying attention to the Internet, but it’s leaving other frameworks in the dust. It’s not even part of your docs or quick deploy options. What’s up with that?

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Why would a typical customer want to know anything about what a “Hybrid Option?” is? I’m pretty sure they want a big button that says “deploy” and for that button to work. And I will happily pay you 50x what you are charging if you could make that happen.

Hi man, I cant understand the path directory in server.js file in config-env-production and as well as the resync path in start command in render.ymal file GitHub - render-examples/strapi-sqlite: Deploy Strapi with SQLite on Render. can you help me with that bro.

Hi Prakash,

The directory specified in config/env/production/server.js is pointing to the disk that’s provisioned in the render.yaml.

rsync is a linux command. You can learn more about it here:

The path it’s targeting is the persistent disk.



Another option is to use docker to deploy your project in render. In this repo you can see an example of Dockerfile, and at this address a complete guide.

I got you.
I made a short video on how to set up Astro CMS with github and
I was curious myself, so, I recorded.

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