Why was my post "What is my local database’s connection string. Postgres/Django/Render" marked as spam not getting a proper and saying I used chatgpt to fill in the blanks? My q's get millions of views on StackO/Quora should I ask Render q's thereor here?

I asked you guys via email and in the forum and after waiting a week and getting answers that are not solving my problem I told you my solution was to use chatgpt to do it for my while following Renders docs to deploy a site and not getting the answer their either. I dont think its fair to users of your paas who dont have phone or any live customer support to have their posts taken down if it helps other users of the community and is not violating any terms. Its crazy i cant even post a github link to your own github repo projects in my last forum post.

Basically i am a high value question asker. And if i cannot freely ask my questions I will not use the platform. Thats likely why “I” have to ask because the posts with actual answers are being taken down, likely like this one will if im not banned for trying to help your platform succeed.

I understand since there if probably like only one moderator but Id rather ask my render questions here and get answers from actual users than have to log back into stackO or Quora. Just wanted to express how I feel to our community. Have a good day!

The only reason i ask is because Like i said i post high quality questions looking for answers and dont want my questions deleted after i spend like an hour writing them and days witing for responses…

Hi there,

The post you refer to was simply flagged for review - which has been done and the post is now public.

We provide support for all our customers; however, paying customers are prioritized over free, so it might be that it takes longer to get an answer to you, but we will answer.


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