Why is Render unable to locate my index.js file

I’m trying to deploy an API (node and express). Unfortunately, I’m.getting this error "required Stack: [ ‘/opt/render/project/src/index.js’]
Does this mean I should have my index.js file inside a scr folder? Or why is Render unable to locatey index.js file?

I added npm install. I can now see the problem is with express. How do I fix that?

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out.

Any advice here would very much depend on how your project is set up.

If you could share some specific examples of the issue you are experiencing that may help us troubleshoot it with you, e.g. any logs/errors/output, specific URLs, service name/ID, reproduction steps, etc.

If you don’t want to share these details on the community forum, please feel free to raise a ticket with support@render.com


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