Web services on the free plan are automatically spun down after 15 minutes of inactivity. When a new request for a free service comes in, Render spins it up again so it can process the request.
This can cause a response delay of up to 30 seconds for the first request that comes in after a period of inactivity.
So my question is if render provide cache function, why the response delay of up to 30 seconds if web service spun down after 15 minutes of inactivity?
or the free plan doesn’t have cdn cache feature?
from the response header, I can see it cached with Cloudflare. why it takes too long to spin up? if it serves from Cloudflare cache. the loading time should be less than a second.
The Render CDN is currently only available for static sites, but we do have users setting up their own CDN for dynamic web services. You’ll need to set up the CDN yourself and point it to your Render service. If you are using a custom domain, you’ll need to point your domain’s DNS to the CDN after first adding it to your Render service and verifying it with Render through our dashboard.
Hi there, apologies for the delayed response. When you are configuring the DNS through Cloudflare you need to turn proxying off, then allow the domain to be verified, then you can turn proxying back on.