I’m encountering an issue with my application deployed on Render where authenticated users are unable to access private routes, despite successful authentication. I’ve thoroughly checked my code and configuration, but I’m still unable to resolve the issue.
After successfully authenticating users, they should be able to access private routes that are protected by authentication middleware. However, when deployed on Render, authenticated users are unable to access these private routes.
This type of problem is very unlikely to be caused by Render. Our platform is not doing anything directly to block your application’s authentication from working.
I recommend checking the service logs for more detail about what’s going on when these routes are called. Perhaps add in additional application logging, if needed. Debugging and good exception/error handling can also be of help in these situations.
If all else fails you are likely to get the best advice by reaching out to a community that specializes in your tech stack for more tailored advice, as Render is just the infrastructure provider.
Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)
Thanks for the respond, i will try adding more exception/error handling to see where is the problem ,and i will try other app that i have to see is it working.
Updating the packages resolved the issue! Sometimes, outdated or incompatible packages can cause subtle and hard-to-trace issues, especially in modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries that rapidly evolve.