The Custom Domain response nginx welcome page

hello render & everyone there,

need help, i bind a custom domain on my render hosted server,
but it just reponse a nginx welcome page .

the custom domain:

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out.

This is likely an issue with the services Nginx configuration. You’ll need to ensure that is one of the domains listed as a server_name in the apps Nginx configuration file. What you’re seeing currently seems to be the default Nginx fallback.

Looking at the default domain, it appears the service might be Discourse. If you’re using a fork of the Render Example Discourse repo, the server_name configuration can be seen in the Dockerfile. First, a DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME is set on line 7:


RENDER_EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME is one of the default environment variables set on Render. But the line above also shows DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME can be overridden with a CUSTOM_DOMAIN env var.

This is then used on line 35…

sed -i "s/^ server_name enter\.your\.web\.hostname\.here;/ server_name $DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME;/" /etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf && \

…to create a Discourse Nginx configuration.

If this is the set up you’re using, I’d suggesting trying an environment variable named CUSTOM_DOMAIN set to, which will trigger a new deploy and write an updated/correct Nginx config file to the service.

Hope that helps

Kind regards


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