Slow builds and missing confirmation in build log

Builds are very slow. As you can see in the build event log below, the “Uploading build…” step takes 5 minutes in reality while the log itself states “Build uploaded in 20s”. It looks like the whole build could be finished in about 5 minutes while it takes more than 10 minutes.

Another weird issue is that recent builds remains on the state “Deploying…” indefinitely. They are deployed eventually though.

Sep 14 11:20:14 AM  ==> Cloning from
Sep 14 11:20:16 AM  ==> Checking out commit xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in branch main
Sep 14 11:20:22 AM  ==> Downloading cache...
Sep 14 11:21:09 AM  ==> Transferred 580MB in 18s. Extraction took 21s.
Sep 14 11:22:03 AM  ==> Using Python version: 3.10.7
Sep 14 11:22:13 AM  ==> Running build command './'...
Sep 14 11:24:26 AM  Successfully installed arrow-1.2.3 asgiref-3.5.2 [snip]
Sep 14 11:25:03 AM  
Sep 14 11:25:03 AM  212 static files copied to '/opt/render/project/src/staticfiles', 954 post-processed.
Sep 14 11:25:30 AM  ==> Uploading build...
Sep 14 11:30:11 AM  ==> Build uploaded in 20s
Sep 14 11:30:11 AM  ==> Build successful 🎉
Sep 14 11:30:11 AM  ==> Deploying...

As this is the Frankfurt region, I wonder if this is related to this issue: Deploys failing without logs

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Sam here. Slow builds. No logs. Paid plan. Builds failing. Not seeing updated environment variables. Also Frankfurt region.

I can confirm that it is related to the Deploys failing without logs as I am facing the same logs and issues.

Folks, as Ramon rightly points out, we have an ongoing incident around logs - also we have a separate internal incident around the slow builds being experienced as well.

John B

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Folks, we believe we’ve isolated the cause and a fix was applied last week and monitored closely over the weekend - if you’ve got further problems please open a support ticket directly by emailing and NOT tagging on here with a ‘me too’ so that we can investigate individual reports as they arise.


John B

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