Render API Inquiry for GitHub Token in Service Deployment


I am in the process of setting up a service that requires us to offer managed deployments through Render to our users. To facilitate this, I’ve developed a GitHub Application that users can install on their accounts, granting the necessary read access permissions to their preferred repositories.

Upon installation, I will receive an installation ID from GitHub, which I can then use to generate an access token.

My intention is to place this token on Render, along with the link to the repository (which is private), in order to deploy the code as a service.

I have successfully added the GitHub access token to Render via the API using Create registry credential.

However, I am uncertain about how to specify this credential when creating the service, as outlined in Create service.

Hi there,

The image object has an attribute registryCredentialId which you would use to reference the registry credential here,,registryCredentialId,-string


John B
Render Support, UTC :uk:

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