RabbitMQ on Free tier


I’m unable to connect to my RabbitMQ instance on render. I’m able to connect to the RabbitMQ management interface. (e.g. https://<MY_SERVICE_NAME>.onrender.com)

However, when trying to connect to my RabbitMQ service on port 5672 (e.g. amqp://rabbitmq:<MY_PASSWORD>@<MY_SERVICE_NAME>:5672) I’m getting the following error: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Is this simply not possible on free tier? I’ve seen some other threads, but it’s not 100% clear, just wanted to double check here.

Thanks in advance!!

Hi there,
We only permit HTTP ingress to services on Render. If you have an onrender.com address then that would suggest you are running Rabbit MQ as a webservice here so any ingress would only be via http 443 and that’s unlikely to work here,


John B
Render Support, UTC+1 :uk:

Hey John_B,

Thanks for the reply!

According to the docs here: Deploy RabbitMQ | Render Docs, it suggests that setting up a Web Service for RabbitMQ should be fine and that access to 5672 should be possible:

Click Save and you’re good to go! Once deployed, the RabbitMQ management interface will be available on your .onrender.com URL, and you will be able to use the username and the password you added above to log in.

Separately, RabbitMQ itself will be available on its default port 5672 and you can connect to it using the internal service hostname which is simply your service slug (xyz in xyz.onrender.com).

Maybe I’m not understanding properly here… please let me know!

Thanks so much!

ahhh, ok - I’m with you.

The management interface would be exposed via the web address https://<MY_SERVICE_NAME>.onrender.com, but you wouldn’t be able to access 5672 externally.

The intention for the example is to expose the web interface via the onrender.com address but the service also exposes 5672 internally - so other services in your account can interface to it. Using a free instance type this internal communication isn’t possible,


John B
Render Support, UTC+1 :uk:

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