Public Docker Image considered Private


I am trying to deploy a simple app with prebuild image that I pushed to docker hub. However when providing a link I get the error “No public image found. It looks like you may be using a private image - please add a credential or check the image URL for mistakes.”. Later even providing credentials I get the error, that credentials are wrong. However, I am totally sure they are okay.

Here is the image, you can easily check that it is public

Thank you for support!


Your image appears to be huge at 13.33GB:

The docs note a 10GB limit:

I suspect the error message may be incorrect, I’ll follow up with our team.


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I have been facing the same issue while my image is 1.3GB?

I suspect it’s a different issue. Please could you start your own topic with some more details or open a ticket from the dashboard. Thanks.


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