Problems deploying mern app

Hi Render-Community,

I built this app to bet on the Bundesliga with my family:
github-repo: GitHub - jannis2301/bet-app
On dev mode everything is working fine, but if I go in production mode the app is not working as it should. I don’t find the issue, maybe it is the way vite builds the react-app for production.
I don’t know, but would be very happy if someone finds the problem. I have already put a lot of time into the project and it would be a shame if it fails.

Thank you in advance

Hi there,

Have you checked out the service logs for any problems? Note that the link you provided currently loads fine for me.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-7)

Hi Mike,
yes that’s right, the link is loading fine. The build is succesful.
The problem is that it doesn’t load informations, for example the table or the bets of the users.
In dev mode everything is working fine, but after the build in production, somethig goes wrong.

Hi there,

This is likely an application issue related to the different modes, not anything Render is doing. I recommend checking out the service logs for errors or other anomalies when the application in running in production mode. If nothing is showing up, try adding some additional logging around the actions that aren’t working within the application so as to illuminate where and why the problem is happening. Debugging can also be very helpful when troubleshooting these kind of issues.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-7)

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