It looks like a Preview Environment is not being created for GitHub pull requests that are based on a branch other than main
. Is that expected? Is there some way to force the Preview Environment to still be created?
Hi @jason_felt, just to confirm, are you making a pull request from a separate branch to main i.e. some feature branch -> main
or are you making a pull request from one branch to another i.e. some feature brancg -> some other feature branch
. Preview environments will only work in the first case.
Yes that second case feature branch -> other feature branch
. Is there no way to have preview environments for such PR’s? It would be very helpful for our workflow.
Yes, we also would like to have preview envs created for PRs not targeting the repo default branch.
@jason_felt and @stefan.luptak, we have an open feature request for this here Support PR Previews from different repos | Feature Requests | Render that you can upvote to receive updates. Unfortunately, for now, there is no way to get preview environments on branches other than main or master.
But isn’t that a different issue? I’m talking about branches that are on the same git repository, not a different repo.
In the detail view of that request it mentions other branches, but I can add a comment to make that more explicit.
Okay that makes sense. Thanks!