Outdated libvips in Ruby env

I have a Rails app that uses libvips for image processing. It has no problems locally, but it fails in production on images that use the CMYK color space. :face_with_monocle: I’ve traced the cause to an issue that’s been fixed since libvips 8.8.0. :nerd_face:

The version Render provides for the Ruby env is 8.7.4. :sob:

According to libvips/ChangeLog at master · libvips/libvips · GitHub, 8.7.4 was released back in April 2019, and the most recent version is 8.13.4, released a few months ago.

I saw in another thread that one “fix” is to switch to a Docker build and specify what I need that way. I’m not a Docker expert, and I really don’t want to have to deal with switching over to a Docker-based build just to get an updated version of libvips. :face_exhaling: I’ve got so much work to do, and want to show my client visible progress, not explain to them that we are going to lose however many days to me changing how our production build works.

Is there any other way? Like specifying library versions in the render.yaml or something?


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Hi Jim,

Thanks for reaching out.

As I mentioned in the other post you commented on, I have raised a ticket internally for libvips to be updated on our native environment, but I don’t have any ETA on it being completed. I’ll see if I can get an update.

Native environments don’t have sudo access to use apt, so currently, the only option to define a specific package yourself would be by taking the Docker route.

Kind regards


Thanks for the reply, @al_ps

Y’all got any that starter Dockerfile that replicates your current ruby env which I could tweak from there?

Need It

I’m afraid it’s not quite that simple.

But you should be able to get a lot of the way with an official Ruby Docker image and apt-get, e.g.

FROM ruby:3.1-bullseyeRUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ libvips-dev \ libvips-tools \ nodejs ...


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