Could anyone help me on solving this error:
OSError libespeak.so.1 cannot open shared object file No such file or directory
has tried for weeks.
Could anyone help me on solving this error:
OSError libespeak.so.1 cannot open shared object file No such file or directory
has tried for weeks.
Hi there,
Sounds like it uses a system level package (according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65274843/oserror-libespeak-so-1-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-directo) - sounds pretty specific so won’t be in our native environments so you’d need to do a Docker deployment so you are in full control of your dependencies,
John B
Render Support, UTC+1
Firstly, thanks so much for the revert. Also great thanks for render’s great service which makes our work much easier!
The problem I am facing and asked in this post is when I am trying to deploy my app which has a text-to-voice function that seems to be handed by pyttx3. That app works pretty well on my laptop locally. But when I tried to deploy it on render the error persists.
How do I tell what leve package I am using? If I do have to use Docker deployment, how should I do that. Sorry for this kind of newbie questions.
With all said, hope Render will include text-to-voice speech support environment as soon.
Best regards.
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