Migrating from Heroku - Slower Performance

I have been wanting to migrate my django apps from Heroku to Render. My motivation is, primarly, the ability to run a more powerfull configuration, at competitive price, in order to reduce my latency.

In order to test your solution, i have been deploying here a duplicate of my databse, and a web server (from docker).

Unfortunately, I am disappointed with the performance. I am facing longer loading time on the render app, than on heroku, even with more powerful configuration.

My Heroku Configuration :

  • Webserver : Standard 2X - 1GB RAM
  • PostgreSQL : Standard0 - 4GB RAM

My Render Test Configuration :

  • Webserver : Pro Plus - 8GB RAM
  • PostgreSQL : Pro Plus - 8GB RAM

My Test Result :

  1. A Django Admin Page on loading a heavy model :
    → Heroku : 1,5 sec
    → Render : 4 sec

  2. A webpage with heavy data calculation, loaded in ajax :slight_smile:
    → Heroku : Total Time : 10 sec
    → Render : Total Time : 16 sec

Do you have any input on what could explain this ? And solutions to try ?


I see that you’ve already initiated a support ticket with us. To avoid any confusion or duplicate efforts, let’s continue the conversation there

Render Support, UTC+3

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