Integration with Ezoic on a static website

Hi there! :wave:

We built our website with Docusaurus and it’s currently deployed as a static website on Render.

We would like to integrate Ezoic to display ads. Unfortunately, while working on the integration, it appears that our website is “externally cached”, which prevents us to finalize the integration and to place ads. We’re also using Cloudflare but this is not the issue as it is compatible with Ezoic. We reached out to Ezoic staff, and they think it could be due to our site hosting.

Would there be a way to disable the caching that Render does to see if it could come from it? Ezoic provide their own caching solution.

Does anyone have experience with integrating Ezoic on their Render static website?

Thanks a lot everyone!

Hi there,
The only caching layer that we have is CloudFlare also,


John B

Alright, noted, then it must be something else. Thanks a lot for the answer!