How do I deploy Redis on Render

Hi Kamkara,

You can deploy Redis as a docker service on Render by following this guide: Deploy Persistent Redis with Docker | Render.

We also plan on offering a managed Redis product. If you upvote this feature request: Managed Redis | Feature Requests | Render we will be able to inform you about any updates.

Hi, are there instructions to deploy Redis as a public service? I need to debug locally and it’s too annoying to push everytime

Hi there,

We don’t permit external access to none http ports at the moment, there’s a feature request Allow connecting to non-HTTP services from outside Render | Feature Requests | Render so I’d suggest upvoting it to get your voice heard.

Are you wanting to run code locally connected to a Redis server running on Render? Would access using the redis-cli from within Render be sufficient?
