I’m currently using GitHub Actions to run CI tests, and using the Render.yml to deploy the frontend, backend and database.
I was wondering if people had any suggestions for connecting the two. So for example, if the GH Actions tests fail, the deployment doesn’t continue on Render.
When you’ve enabled Auto Deploy, Render will start the deploy every time your target branch changed. Here’s how I would solve things:
Let’s say you have two branches, needs-testing and tests-passed. I’d configure Render to look at my tests-passed branch, and GitHub Actions to look at my needs-testing branch. Whenever my CI tests pass, I’d merge the needs-testing branch into the tests-passed branch to trigger a Render deploy.
Also, you can call a Render.com deployment web-hook from your GitHub Action, but this will work only for static environment and not for PR or preview environments, because you don’t know the URL of the web-hook in advance.