Hi there, this is an issue of tremendous importance: being able to mount remote file stores in a docker container.
It’s going to be easy to implement, and you can charge a lot for it, because right now, no one can do this, and every workaround is extremely painful.
Here it is:
Allow your docker offerings to specify a S3 or NFS datastore which then appears as a disk mount in the container.
Your backend would use the fantastic rclone tool to mount it, then bind it as a volume at the host level, then it becomes available to the container, similar to how disks become available at /var/data.
I’d gladly pay $15 extra a month per instance to do this and you wouldn’t have to allocate any disk for this yourself on your end. You’d also get to count the network bandwidth as an expense to the user. And we’ll all pay it because any other way involves tremendous pain.