Failed to open render static site's zip file

Hi community,’s static service is great. Yet when I try to open a zip file under one static site, it jus show this pic for me:

Here is the link:

I don’t think this is the right thing when we open an online zip file . when I open other zip file in other similar service, it won’t happen. Or is there any particular limitation for render’s static service?

Thank you very much.

Hi there,

I would try adding a custom HTTP header for this path (or all *.zip paths) to set the Content-Type to application/zip. The trouble is the content type for this isn’t set so the browser is just displaying the binary data in the browser window. If you right-click the page and use “Save As” and save it as a zip file, it would be fine.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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thanks for your kindly reply. I figure it out:

Navigate to the dashboard, set the header:

Request Path: /**/*.zip
Header Name: Content-Type
Header Value: application/zip

refer: HTTP Headers for Static Sites | Render Docs

Hope it help for others who have the same problem.

Have a nice day.

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