I hope this message finds you well. I am experiencing two issues with my deployed site on Render.com:
I am unable to access a .txt file that logs user interactions on my site. This file is supposed to update automatically with each interaction.
Additionally, my favicon is not displaying correctly; the site does not show the icon in the browser tab despite the file being present in the designated location.
Could you please assist me in understanding why these issues are occurring and how I might resolve them?
Can you please clarify whether this .txt file is created while the service is running, or if it’s in the repository connected to the service?
Have you verified the icon exists in the exact location it is referenced by in your application, and that that is reflected in the repository connected to the service?
Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)
I appreciate your response. Regarding your questions, I can point out the following:
The .txt file is within the GitHub repository, and it is updated with data from the web application every time a user interacts with it. The purpose is to create a log of user interactions.
The favicon.ico file is present in the repository. It displays without any issues locally.
Just to confirm, is the problem that you can’t access the file at all, or just that modifications to the file disappear after a while?
Have you verified the relative path to the icon in the code that is checked into the repository is correct? Sometimes in these situations we find that the path locally works but is no longer the case when checked into the repository.
Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)
Thank you very much for your response and help. I solved the problem with the .txt file in a different way; however, I still need to see the icon of my website in the browser. I have checked the paths, and they are correct. However, if I try to view the file from the URL https://piexpress.onrender.com/favicon.svg, I get the message ‘Cannot GET /favicon.svg.’ I appreciate your help again.
In order to get into the specifics of your service, please reach out to us privately via the Contact Support link the Dashboard. Be sure to provide the service name or id as well. This way we can privately discuss the details of your service.
Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)