Extremely slow build times

Sometimes it takes 5 minutes just for the build to start.

The build itself can take 10 minutes - I know its not an issue with my docker since on AWS or locally it builds in 2-5 minutes.


Tough to say without knowing more about your service really. Please reach out to us from the dashboard and we’ll take a look.

Render Support, UTC+3

please i have been having similar issues of lately, the build times take forever and it seem like its not even progressing at all there was a time i wasted my whole build time without been able to deploy the app, i have to like deploy it somewhere else, a colleague also is facing similar issues, please what is going, i want to deploy an app for client but i am afraid this issue might come up cause i try to test it on my own account similar issues is happening, funny part is if i make changes on the old app i have deploy it will be done but for any new app its a problem for me

Hey Ismail,

As mentioned above, please contact us through the dashboard for any specific requests related to this topic. This isn’t something that can be easily resolved through our community forum.

Render Support, UTC+3