ENOSPC: no space left on device, write

Can some one advice, please, why am I facing the following error:
ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
when trying to deploy my nodejs application packed into docker container.
Initially everything was alright, but after 6-5 deploys it started to fail.

Log output:

Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  ------
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM   > [all-deps 3/3] RUN yarn --ignore-scripts:
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  #12 0.263 yarn install v1.22.19
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  #12 0.372 [1/4] Resolving packages...
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  #12 0.708 [2/4] Fetching packages...
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  #12 15.07 error An unexpected error occurred: "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/nth-check/-/nth-check-2.1.1.tgz: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write".
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  #12 15.07 info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/app/yarn-error.log".
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  #12 15.07 info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/install for documentation about this command.
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  ------
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  Dockerfile:10
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  --------------------
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM     8 |     COPY package.json ./package.json
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM     9 |     COPY yarn.lock ./yarn.lock
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM    10 | >>> RUN yarn --ignore-scripts
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM    11 |
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM    12 |     FROM all-deps as prod-deps
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  --------------------
Dec 22 01:01:04 PM  error: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c yarn --ignore-scripts" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

The thing I’m trying to deploy:

Thank you in advance!

I’m experiencing a similar issue. I’m getting the error “fatal: write error: No space left on device” right away from git when the deploy starts:

I Have a simmilar issue while trying to deploy a Rails app to a free plan web-app.
I was able to deploy few times without an issue, but in the last 4 tries I got the following error:
“No space left on device”
I also tried “Clear build cache & deploy” with no luck.

When I created a new free tier web-app and deployed there, the deployment went smoothly (so the size of the deployment is not the issue).
I want to avoid creating a new app each time (currently testing stuff before I will move to a paid plan).

what is using the disk space? how can it be cleaned for future deploys to work? Is the deploy process saves old code? saves old versions of deployment?


Please contact us through the “Contact Support” form via the dashboard, it will help us find your service, investigate and troubleshoot the issue.

Jérémy, Render Support

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